Special Education Funding and Legislature Update

Gina Plate shares with Hope on the Hard Road on Special Education Funding and Legislature Updates. Gina has spent her career serving as a teacher, administrator, and educational policy consultant focused primarily on students with disabilities. Currently, Gina serves as Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Special Education for the California Charter Schools Association. Additionally, Gina is appointed by the Governor of California to the Statewide Advisory Commission on Special Education.

Home to School Collaboration and Buddy Break

Janice Chan discusses strategies for transitioning back to in-person instruction at school. Janice is a professor of Special Education at San Diego State University and Special Needs Ministry Deacon at Reservoir Church. She also serves as the Buddy Break Coordinator at Reservoir Church. A copy of the slide show can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Djk… For a link to the padlet resources Janice spoke about can be found at https://padlet.com/SELPACAPTAIN/a8koa…

Co-Existing Diagnoses in Children and Teens

Hope on the Hard Road’s Parent Support Group hosted Hope Comprehensive Center for Development as they presented on “Co-Existing Diagnoses in Children and Teens”. BCBAs Kelsey McCarthy and Megan Sprague presented valuable and helpful information on the

Parents Rights with IEPs

Guidance for COVID-19

These videos are presented by the Law Office of Wendy Dumlao (see contact below). The first video describes the Parents’ Rights and Recommendations in the IEP Process . The second video describes Special Education changes with Covid-19. For a copy of the power point please click here For a copy of the power point with notes click here. Click Here for Sample IEP Forms including Services pages, goals and behavioral plans and Transitions plans.

Law Office of Wendy R. Dumlao
1804 Garnet Avenue #435
San Diego, CA 92109
(209) 663-9541

Parent and Sibling Panel Q & A

This video is is a panel interview with Parents with special needs children and Siblings that were raised in a family with a brother or sister with special needs.

Parent Advocacy

Dr. Sandy Robinson International Training Coordinator & Master Trainer for Champions Clubs and Mrs. Alex Rodriguez, OT & Co Pastor of the Tailor’s House share with Hope on the the Hard Road’s Support Group in their message: Equipping & Empowering Parents to be Their Son/Daughter’s Greatest Advocates. For a copy of the presentation click here

You can find more videos of Hope on the Hard Road on YouTube. You can find more information about Dr. Sandy Robinson. and the Champions Club

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