
One Day at a Time


Just like anyone else who was alive that day, I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when the events of that day unfolded. I was in the first trimester of pregnancy with our first-born son and up early with morning sickness when I turned on the TV before getting out of bed to get ready for work. There in front of me were the sights and sounds of what I thought for a split second was a war zone in another country. But then I saw the World Trade Center Towers. By the time I began watching on the west coast, the second tower had been hit and there was no doubt that our country was under attack. On that day and so many others that followed all I could do was take it one day at a time. Life was so uncertain. 

I know well the reality of living one day at a time now. If you have a loved one with special needs, then you know it well too. You’re well acquainted with the fact that in this life the only constant is change, and how each day is consistently inconsistent. You know the uncertainty. Will they talk, walk, need surgery, learn to read or write, learn to self-regulate, make a friend, get their license, graduate, get a job, be independent, have someone to take care of them, be OK? It can all be so anxiety producing. 

It can be anxiety producing for sure but living this way can also be an incredible blessing. When life is uncertain you find that you have to slow down and take it one day at a time. A good friend reminded me this week that there is no running ahead of where you are at, or you will drive yourself crazy with all the unknowns. Living life one day at a time causes us to live in the present. To truly be present with those around us and to count each and every blessing that we’ve been given whether big or small. Living one day at a time also causes us to realize that we cannot worry about tomorrow, as the Bible says in Matthew 6:34, “for tomorrow will bring its own worries”, but instead we need to release our worries to God. To give them to the one who loves us and who cares for our every need past, present, and future.

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

1 Peter 5:7

Christen Freund

Christen is the author of Hope on the Hard Road blog and co-founder and President of Hope on the Hard Road, Inc. along side her husband and co-founder Eric. She is a wife, a mother, and an advocate for special needs with a career background in physical therapy. She lives in southern California with her husband, son, and daughter where they are active in their church and community.

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