
I’m Not Patient


It was so comical that Eric and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. We love our Abbey girl. She is so adorable in the way that she always tells it like it is, and often to the point of telling on herself. Oh, that we would all be so pure of heart. 

We were waiting for her absolute favorite food, and she knew that it was coming. She knew that she could trust us that it was coming. Past experience had proven that it was coming. But it hadn’t come yet and so she still cried out in protest about how she felt about the fact that it hadn’t come yet. And more to the point, that she had to be patient about it. 

As often happens her momentary meltdown made me pause for reflection. How often do I know that an answer is coming? How often do I know that past experience has shown that it will come? And how often do I know that God is trustworthy to bring an answer, and yet still I cry out in impatience? 

Just the other day I struggled with this. I’m currently waiting on an answer to something really important. Without it we cannot move forward on something that has been a passion of ours for some time. This isn’t even something that would directly benefit my family, it is something that entirely benefits others. And I found myself getting impatient. 

“God, you know the need.”, I cried out, “But, I’m not patient”.

“I know that you’ve called us to this thing, and so I know that you will provide. I know that I can look back and remember other times like this where you have provided. Most of all I know that I can trust you that you will provide for whatever is needed. But I am impatient to see it done.”

Can you relate to this? These are the moments where our faith meets a seemingly contradictory fact and sometimes fails us. Where we cannot see beyond what lays in front of us and so we struggle to keep pressing on. 

As parents of children, teens, and adults with special needs, life is already unpredictable and there are not many promises for outcomes. But God always has a promise that we can cling to. One truth that we never need to doubt. He loves us. 

He loves us so much that He made a way to rescue us (John 3:16). He loves us so much that no matter where we are and no matter what is happening in our lives, He has promised to always be with us (Josh 1:9, Matt 28:20). And like a good and trustworthy parent, He loves us so much that He has promised to supply our every need in this life (Phil 4:19). So, no matter the circumstances let us cling to this truth. Our God loves us, and He is trustworthy, so we can wait on Him for the answers that we seek.  

Christen Freund

Christen is the author of Hope on the Hard Road blog and co-founder and President of Hope on the Hard Road, Inc. along side her husband and co-founder Eric. She is a wife, a mother, and an advocate for special needs with a career background in physical therapy. She lives in southern California with her husband, son, and daughter where they are active in their church and community.

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