
Making Friends – Update


“I’m going to Costco and I’m gonna make 4 friends.”

She announced to us one day as she was getting ready to go on errands. The two of us just looked at each other and smiled enjoying this adorable moment. She was so confidant. Why the number four? We’re not sure. Apparently that seemed like an appropriate quota to her. It sure made our hearts happy to hear it though.

To make friends isn’t easy for our daughter. To make friends means that you have to give eye contact. You have to come up with a greeting. You have to listen to what the other person says and understand them. Then you have to formulate an appropriate response to what they said. And finally you have to actually respond. And that is only one round of reciprocal conversation. Usually people go atleast two to three rounds. 

She was clearly determined. And we were determined to let her be determined. That determination is something we love about her. God has given her a passion for life and determination that is a force to be reckoned with. Every thing she does takes determination, but especially the thing she seems the most compelled to do. Make friends. 

When we go on errands it’s not just a time to check off our to do list, nope it’s a time to make friends and socialize. My husband Eric loves it. I could break out in hives just thinking of going it alone with her to stores like Target or Walmart, but he charges right ahead and actually takes the big box store on with a grin. He’s amazing! This post is as much a love letter about him as it is about her. 

So off they went that day. Into the big door they entered greeting our favorite greeters. Up and down the isles they proceeded pushing the cart making sure to say hi to all the sample ladies and gentlemen. Then they headed to the check out line, where there are always plenty of people to talk to. And of course they finished the trip off with one last good bye to the friendly receipt checkers at the big door. 

When she came home she had the biggest smile. With groceries in hand as she helped her Dad unload the minivan, I asked her, “So did you make 4 friends?”. 

She looked up at me beaming and said, “Yes”. 

I couldn’t be more proud of my sweet determined girl.

A Recent Update

Abbey was recently honored by our local Costco as the Ambassador of their annual Children’s Hospital fundraiser. It was amazing! They had a line of staff waiting to greet her, a barbecue hamburger complete with a gluten free bun ready to serve her, and a tour of how a fork lift works lined up for her. The biggest surprise came when she was presented with a cart full of goodies piled up high with all of her favorites from a double pack of Costco sized peanut butter to a beach chair and beach gear, books and barbies, crafts and coloring sets, bubbles and balloons, and just about anything else you could possibly imagine.

We were so incredibly blessed by their generous hearts. Each one of the staff worked to make the experience something that Abbey would truly enjoy. They made sure that things ran at her pace and that the environment wasn’t too overwhelming or overstimulating for her. They even made sure she had a quiet place to eat her hamburger. And they hand picked each of the items that went into that cart.

Our hearts swelled with pride as we looked around and realized that Abbey had done it! She had fulfilled her dream of making friends at Costco and so much more. She had shared who she truly was, disability and all, with this amazing Costco staff and they in turn had opened their hearts to befriending, and even loving our Abbey. What a beautiful story this has turned out to be and all because 1 girl with Autism dared to dream and had the determination to make it happen. Go Abbey!   

Christen Freund

Christen is the author of Hope on the Hard Road blog and co-founder and President of Hope on the Hard Road, Inc. along side her husband and co-founder Eric. She is a wife, a mother, and an advocate for special needs with a career background in physical therapy. She lives in southern California with her husband, son, and daughter where they are active in their church and community.

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